
passive idiocy

That's how I'm going to die.

Passive idiocy. The sheer fucktardery will seep in through my skin and I'll get some kind of tumour.

In the state of Australia I live in, about 30% of cars have personalised license plates. With a max of 6 characters to work with, most of the combinations got taken long ago.

Now, I have a bit of an issue with words, I can't help reading them. So, the non-obvious personalised plates tend to itch at my brain until I can figure out just what combination of idiocy and poor spelling came up with the plate in question.

The one I saw on the way home this evening was: IJCBI

It's probably really stupid (I mean, they all are), but I just stared and started gesturing to my fiance and made strangled whimpering noises. I couldn't figure out why anyone would pay extra to put that on some piece of shit 20yr old hatchback that probably cost less than the plate itself.

To put me out of my pain (and this is why I love him), he offered up the suggestion of 'Jizz Covered Bogan', with the Is as decoration.

We're so classy.


The Randomist said...

I, Jesus Christ, Bang Illiterates? (Because they can't write chapters about it in the Bible.)

Anonymous said...

Only if you mean bang as in blowing them up. Or even if you mean bang as in uncomfortable crude intercourse, that would work too.

Idiot personalised plates drive me insane, I just can't help trying to figure them out.

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