
fuck winter.

i fucking hate winter. there's no snow to make it slightly less crap, there's just cold. and by the looks of it, way too fucking much cold to come too.

and the fucking heating is off too.

bears have the right idea.

noone asked my permission. i'm pretty sure i'd remember an email or something, because there'd be a lot of swearing, and a pretty firm no vote. applied with something sharp and pointy.


The Randomist said...

Well, it's an unusually cool and breezy 90 here in North Carolina... and I have no AC in my car. I will trade. Right now.

Bears totally do have the right idea. I keep my winter body year round to ensure that I'll stay warm when the sun stops sitting on my state. That and I'd probably eat the faces off of people too if I could. I'll just stuff some of our heat into an envelope and send it to you. We don't need it.

Anonymous said...

I would have taken the deal, really. It was definitely one of those times where I was glad to be overweight. I'm pretty sure skinny people die in winter still (that's what I'm telling myself, anyway).

We get one week of summer here, usually, for the Australian Open, and then, to make up for the entire year of not being warm, we get 40 degree (celcius) days... the rest of the year, it's gray drizzly or it just can't make up it's damn mind.

I forgot about the eating-faces bit, bears have so many advantages. That's what I want to be in my next life.

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